The Growing Threat of Aerial Attacks
Fighter UAVs, mainly exploding drones, are booming and posing a danger to critical infrastructure and civilian safety. Here are the main reasons why they are a problem:

  1. They are cheap compared to their targets and are often used in swarms.
  2. Existing anti-drone solutions are expensive and have significant limitations.
  3. The use of firearms against UAVs causes collateral damage and has a toll on civilians.
  4. Blocking radio signals disrupts contemporary digital industries like taxis and IoT.
  5. Electronic warfare also harms civilians

Civilized societies need an affordable and comprehensive solution to neutralize drone threats
Destroy Drones with HyperJet

Our proprietary turret system equipped with a specialized nozzle and an ultra-high-pressure pump emits a thin jet of specially formulated liquid under ultra-high pressure (7000 bar) at supersonic speeds that destroys drones with precision and efficiency. Our solution is focused on small FPV & exploding drones.

Benefits in a nutshell:
  • Power: destruction of targets within a 500-meter range.
  • Precision: pinpoint accuracy within a 300-meter range.
  • Endurance: non-stop action for up to 100 hours without overheating
  • Economy: cost-effective with minimum collateral damage.
  • Synchronization with your drone detection and tracking systems in place.
HyperJet strategically applies the widely renowned industrial high-pressure water cutting technology alongside advanced drone detection and targeting systems to anti-drone defense
Key Technological Features
  • High Output. In blaster mode, HyperJet expels 225 kg of liquid per minute, ensuring a barrage equivalent to 25,000 rpm, rivaling the firepower of machine guns.
  • Endurance and Reliability. Designed for relentless operation, HyperJet can operate continuously without overheating or pauses for a recharge. Its robust construction ensures constant readiness, even in the most demanding environments.
  • Precision Targeting: HyperJet maintains 1-MOA (Minute of Angle) accuracy and high speed of targeting crucial for prolonged engagements.
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Special Liquid Formula
We do not use a regular industrial liquid suspension. Instead, we have designed a unique concoction that behaves as a "non-Newtonian fluid." Its viscosity decreases with acceleration, ensuring an impact force comparable to that of a bullet at speeds of 2-3 Mach.

Particles in the jet, released under 7000-bar pressure, are bound together into a formidable droplet that can neutralize drones at distances of up to 500 meters.
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Technical Specifications
About us
At HyperJet, our team comprises experts with extensive knowledge in UAV technologies, engine and transmission development, electronics, and electromechanics. This diverse skill set fuels our forward-thinking approach, ensuring we stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
We use state-of-the-art facilities equipped with advanced machinery and extensive testing grounds. These facilities serve as the breeding ground for continuous innovation and refinement.
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